If you worked long enough and recently enough, you may be able to claim Social Security disability benefits if you become unable to work for a long period. Here are some things you need to know about how Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) works:
- Your work is measured by "work credits." When you work and pay a certain amount of FICA or Social Security tax, you a earn a "credit." The amount of credits you need to be covered for disability depends on your age.
- You must not be working and earning at least $1,470 per month in wages when you apply for disability (SSDI). In 2023, if you are working and earning that much you will not qualify for SSDI because you are working.
- You must have a medically determined illness that will keep you from working at least 12 straight months OR will end in death. Social Security has no short term or temporary benefit.
- 70 percent of claims are denied at the application level. Most claimants must go through the appeal process to get benefits. Those who work with a disability attorney or advocate are twice as likely to get approved during their appeal. It can take months or even years to get your claim approved and paid.
- An attorney cannot charge you a legal fee unless your claim is successful AND results in past due benefits.
Charles W. Forsythe is founder of The Forsythe Firm in Huntsville, Alabama, with over 20 years of Social Security experience. (256) 799-0297
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