Sunday, November 6, 2022



If your Social Security disability claim was denied, you will usually appear before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) for a personal hearing.  At the hearing, the judge will listen to you and your attorney, ask many questions, and hear from witnesses.  

 Often the judge will not announce his/her decision on the spot.

But there are certain signs that may tell you that you have won your hearing.

Here are some of the positive signs that you may have won:

1.    The judge tells your lawyer, "I think this is a grid rule case under 201.06, etc.; do you agree?"

2.  The vocational witness testifies that there is no past work and no other work that you are capable of doing.

3.  A medical expert testifies that you "meet or equal" a Listing.

4.  The judge listens to your testimony and says something like:  "I don't believe I have any questions and I don't need any testimony from the vocational witness."

5.  The judge makes some other tell-tale remark.  For example:  "Mr. Attorney, I'm going to process this decision as soon as possible because I think your client needs urgent medical attention."


The Forsythe Firm, Huntsville, AL.  (256) 799-0297 


If you answer YES to the following questions, you may have a Social Security disability case that will deliver a check to your mailbox every month:


____ YES    You have worked and paid into Social Security at least 5 out of the last                         10 years.

____   YES    You are not working now because of a severe disabling condition.

_____  YES   Your medical and/or mental impairment has lasted for at least 12                                   months, or it is expected to last 12 straight months.

_____   YES   Your doctor has good and recent medical records with up-to-date                                treatment.    

The Forsythe Firm will be happy to review your case FREE and give you a detailed evaluation of your claim.  You are never asked to pay a fee until you WIN your benefits and collect past due benefits from Social Security.  If we do not get back pay for you our representation is free of charge.

The Forsythe Firm handles cases in Alabama and Tennessee.

 Assistance is as simple as a free phone call:  (256) 799-0297. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022


Medicare can be obtained in 2 ways:  by reaching age 65 or by becoming disabled under Social Security's rules before age 65.  Medicare coverage begins 24 months after a claimant's disability pay begins.  This coverage comes automatically when with Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI benefits), and is a federal government program.

Medicare has an annual premium or cost for Part B coverage. In 2023 this premium will be $164.90 per month.

Medicaid, on the other hand, is a state program which automatically comes with Supplemental Security Income or SSI.  There isn't a waiting period for Medicaid.  It can be effective as soon as you are approved for SSI benefits.  There is no premium for Medicaid.

These two important programs are intended to help pay costs for medical care and make it possible for the disabled and elderly to get good medical care.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022


 Most Social Security disability lawyers are busy, handling many cases and they are tied up in court much of the time.  Therefore, they may not be able to take a call from every potential new client.  Usually, a secretary, legal assistant or other helper will take the initial call.  Most attorneys have someone else in their office to field their calls, take messages, or hand out routine information.

One firm in Huntsville is different.  At the Forsythe Firm, callers nearly always speak to Mr. Forsythe.  Your call may indeed be answered by a receptionist, however, Mr. Forsythe will routinely pick up and discuss your disability case with you.  If he is out of the office or in a hearing, he will call you back personally.

Mr. Forsythe founded his firm over 20 years ago to help disabled workers who need to get disability benefits.  Social Security disability is all he does, nothing else.  And he makes himself available to his clients, including first-time callers who are not yet clients.  

If your case is accepted for representation, you will never be charged a fee until AFTER you are approved and Social Security pays your past due benefit.  Then, Social Security will automatically deduct the attorney's fee and paid it directly for you.  If you don't win, or you don't receive any back pay, the federal law does not permit you to pay a fee.

The Forsythe Firm is happy to provide you with a free case evaluation (Do you have a case?), information about Social Security disability or just an answer to a question--as long as it's about Social Security disability.

Please note that the firm does not handle Continuing Disability Reviews or over payment questions. The firm spends all it's time on new disability applications, appeals, hearings--all to get you approved if possible.

Please note that no representative can promise or guarantee that you will be approved.  Neither can he/she promise to speed up the Social Security system.  What an experienced representative can tell you is:  We will work hard to get you approved.  We will help you file a complete application, and we will provide documentation and meet deadlines so your case doesn't take longer than necessary.

The Forsythe Firm serves Huntsville and surrounding areas of North Alabama--as well as southern and middle Tennessee.  Call (256) 799-0297.  The call is free and so is the consultation.


  SIGNS YOU MAY HAVE WON YOUR DISABILITY HEARING If your Social Security disability claim was denied, you will usually appear before an Adm...